Many to Many relationship in Dimension Modelling - Part 4 and Final (Intelligent Modelling)
Okay... So last time we discussed a model with WEIGHT or WEIGHING FACTOR, which helps in distributing the facts (Sales) across multiple Product Groups. It still had limitation on the maximum number of Groups, a Product can be assigned to. So, now consider this scenario. What if we bring the grain down to PRODUCT-PRODUCT GROUP combinations? So, in our example, we treat Umbrella-Fashion as one entity, and Umbrella-Seasonal as another entity..?? This will raise a question - When actual Sales happens, what we know is only that a product called 'Umbrella' is sold!! Here, comes in the Intelligent Modelling. So, we can weave some kind of 'intelligence' at the Source or in ETL to classify the Product, or split the facts across multiple entities. Imagine the whole new world this idea opens! If business agrees, the PRODUCT-PRODUCT GROUP combinations can be exposed to the source system. So the fancy, colourful umbrellas can be connected to Umbrella-Fashion, whereas the basic umbre...